Friday, November 02, 2012


"LIFE" looks tired and exhausted. The charm, the smile, the promise of the happiness looks superficial to the stare which tells the emptiness, the exhaustion. Too much might have happened or waiting to happen to celebrate life in the spirit it used to be. The uncharacteristic calmness, the unpredictability, the unspoken words speaks of the battered soul. The price paid to live has taken its toll. The fear of losing the true spirit, the essence of being the individual, lurks around.
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"LIFE" is not a poetry. It is an essay still waiting for the fulfillment. In this global stage the act to remain oneself gets increasingly difficult and at times intolerable amidst the glitters (and also lack of it) around. The inquisitiveness of the insensitive world irritates and hurts. Being nice to world does not help but neither does arrogance. The political correctness, the patience is time and again tested by the profit merchants. In a situation where the results are more likely to be damaging how does "LIFE" go on, how will "LIFE be LIFE", perhaps time will tell.

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The inspiration threatens to die down, but the fight to go on has to be there. Tormented "LIFE" and wounded soul will not be healed by the ruthless society. The world will not be a better place to live, the tears must dry down as the promise to move forward must survive. The feeling to break free might not materialize but it will steer the ship forward in search of the eternal bliss.



There are not many days when deep into the night the Country kept staring at the TV set or the Mobile Screen without the prospec...