Sunday, November 10, 2019


What is the greatest challenge in life ? 
To me it is the ability to get challenged or creating challenges to test yourself, the limits, the edges. Every time you are settled find a way to get unsettled and try again to settle. Then unsettle again...the cycle continues. It can be unnerving, disturbing, yet the best way of knowing yourself, judging or testing yourself.

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It does not have to be specific professional reason or family reason or any friendly interaction which can be challenging. It can be a mix of everything which creates a challenge. Sometimes it can be repeating situation day in day out which can be strainous and presenting challenge. It can be some unwanted interaction which becomes a potential Challenge all the time. At times it the willingness to do so something, which is not happening, presents a challenge. It can be a hushed up expectations in the subconscious mind or the dose of happiness (read opium) which brings along the fear of possible failures and hence new challenges.

It is mostly situations which creates an air in the mind to treat them with utmost urgency and hence a Challenge gets re-created. More than the real challenge the victory over the mind becomes the bigger challenge. It is all about the Test of Time. 

Which is desirable to test yourself every time in a new way or sink in the comfort of complacency ? Actually there is no such challenge, it all in the mind which wants to conquer over circumstances or individuals...may to get some limelight or acceptability among others.


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