(Disclaimer : Following are personal interpretations based on experience & discussions in common circle. This does not claim to have any medical authenticity nor this intends to teach anyone on medical or behavioural sciences)
Sleep is often a good Tool/Parameter to understand one's Gross State of Mind, or in other words, his/her Experience/ Interpretation of Time.
There is always that Time Period when Sleeping is a Zero-Effort activity anyone can perform, without acknowledging the value of it. Had it come with some Price Tag we might have spent few sleepiness nights to acquire the Tag !
If we are honest to the Mirror, then there is always this Time when Sleeping becomes some 'Effort-Activity', to the extent that medical aid becomes essential.
A quick example, Jet Lag, when one travels to Time Zones with distinct differences, Sleep can get real Tough. Or, may be the Recent Lockdowns due to Pandemic. Does it not feel painful to put real effort for something which was supposed to come naturally ? That's the Price one pays for taking anything/anyone for granted.
Prolonged or Frequent Effort-Sleep Nights or in other words Insomnia might be for some health disorder but often it's because of the Stress-Strain or Past Trauma/Experience which keeps coming back. The Mind tends to be in some Constant Fight or some Denial Mode.
Consequence of such Repeatative Occurrence/Disturbance might differ from person to person....while some might Outgrow it will Time & Adapt to the needs mode of less sleep, some might not be able to do so & this may even result in UNWANTED CONSEQUENCES. May be it's all about the ability of controlling the Stuff between the Ears.
Often such prolonged sleeplessness, may create Fatigue to the extent of behavioural issues like frequent outbursts of anger/irritation etc. In such cases it's important to SUPPORT EACH OTHER, try to address on one-to-one basis, separately......
"Hey this seems unnatural from someone like you, may be something is there. If you wish to discuss let us discuss, else seek some HELP, may be professional advice..... please don't IGNORE."
GROWTH is eventually a product of things aligning in correct order.....and it's INCOMPLETE/IMPOSSIBLE with SOMEONE nearby in Pain & Not Sure or Willing to seek CONSTRUCTIVE HELP, considering it as UNWANTED FAVOUR/ADVICE !
Find a way, whatever it Costs You....in the End a LIFE Saved is far better than few bruises & wounds !