A Gujrati shop has opened up in the locality of my residence in Sharjah last year. Samosas are available but only recently (last week only) I have started enjoying my weekend evening tea (home made sweet milk tea) with samosa. Today as I was enjoying the same, a picture from the past came to my mind. During my childhood days on Sunday evening very often I used to enjoy samosas---so good were those days!!!

Why is it that we keep referring to our "golden old days" ? Perhaps its human nature, we enjoy to get nostalgic with good memories. But when we were in our school/college days we always wanted to get over those days of studies sooner than later and get into a job. When we enter a job very few people get over the college nostalgia quickly. Its easy to identify a fresher or a 2-3 years experienced professional from the body language, the way he or she talks. Coming to the point when we think/speak of the 'golden times' its always of the good things and great times, as if there was nothing bad in the past. A logical reason may be its always hard to deal with the present and the future is uncertain. The unpredictability of the present & uncertainty of the future makes us wonder for the golden past. Its easy to call the past 'golden' as the results, the effects are all known to us, there is no uncertainty. Its not that we always learn from the mistakes of the past, but past always have a positive frame in our mind. Its human psychology that the uneasiness of the ever changing dynamic nature of life and our unwillingness to accept it makes us think of the past as always 'golden' in most cases. Its easier to analyse any event from a known result, but its impossible for normal beings to identify the moment of the present that will make the present a golden one specially when it comes to taking decision.
Time for something from school geometry - difference between parallel and intersecting line. Parallel lines are 2 lines which run side by side maintaining constant distances, and they never meet. Intersecting lines will meet at a point, as the distance between the two decreases. What remains unsaid is that after the lines have met once they can never meet each other again unless they change direction. Intersecting lines are also diverging lines, the distance between them keeps on increasing. They can only meet when you change the direction or you trace back. Intersection seems to be more realistic situation than the optimistic parallel line theory. Life is a place where the intersections/cross-overs are predominant. Some of them are desirable some are not. We feel happy for some crossovers and bad for some--we feel like changing them, but we cannot go back and change that intersection as intersection always symbolises divergence for the way ahead. Perhaps this is spirit of life, we cannot go back or trace back. Life is more like a vector, it has a specific direction, every intersection promises (or hopes) to bring a new intersection ahead. Trying to create parallel lines in life work only in school book geometry, not in life. Intersection is the order of life and the truth behind survival.