Sunday, March 30, 2014

Journey vs Destination

Commencement of every journey implies a destination is there where it ends. Journeys can be challenging in most times even if the destination/consequence is known, as not all consequences are desirable. Journeys can be adventurous and anxious if the end is unknown and promises of surprises good or bad. But very often even when the journey ends we are not ready to stop. We might rest a while but don't stop to move on. 

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This can be interpreted in many ways but the most obvious explanation is that the human mind is in constant search of stability but on achieving it are not aware of that or are reluctant to accept that. What does this signify ? The human race consciously or sub-consciously believe in dynamism and are in opposition to anything that is stagnant, an indication of the eternal traveller's spirit, very much like time which is in constant refusal to stop at any request.

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Life goes on, it was there when I wasn't there, and will be there even when I am not there. Then what is this zeal to launch oneself into this world, which is constantly running us around. There is no answer to that but there is a similarity to the sea, the waves. The incessant breaking of the waves forces me to believe that Life is all about destruction and re-building. In this constant cycle if we lose ourselves we are washed away just as in a tidal wave. But if we can float around there is a promise of a new beginning.

Life is not about chasing dreams, it's about reviewing the dreams and following the ones which are acceptable, enjoyable & achievable. Growth/success is a sensitive issue. The reluctance to accept failure, the limitations within, the burden of grief often leads to a situation when desperation, frustration creeps in at times lead to self-destruction or a potential threat to others. The will to  grow has no end and should not have any end as it's unnatural. But the right to grow at any cost is not acceptable. Nothing is indispensable!!!


Why is it so tough to be really humorous ? I guess it requires an intellect of highest order and correct intention & honesty. 

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The execution is even more tough as it requires the balance of all the above along with the perfect timing so as it does not appear to be a satire or clowning action. That's why the spirit is so important. It is always easier to make a mockery of other's action but the toughest part is to crack a joke about oneself in an open forum. This requires guts and ability to win over the ego to present self image in such a light manner yet keeping the integrity of the personality undisturbed.


There are not many days when deep into the night the Country kept staring at the TV set or the Mobile Screen without the prospec...