Uncertainty - a term which most or all of us don’t like. It takes the peace of mind; it encroaches into the mental space and often becomes the single most important point for personal as well as other’s irritation. Still often the uncertainties are looked upon as glorious.
History is the best teacher one can have. It tells of glorious victories & overcomes. We seem to get involved and associated with the events narrated and consider ourselves close to the winner. The essence of glory can be felt. But what we don’t like is looking into the defeat or the loss. History barely narrates the outcome of the loser (not many are aware of Prithwiraj Chauhan’s fate). Every victory has a winner & a loser, but the loser is never the subject of attention or discussion. Remembering the lines of Nachiketa “Ram jodi here jeto Ravaan I raja hoto…it’s a game….” It can be said it is all about the winner.
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Consequences more than often suppress the uncertainty that goes through one’s mind when he is in real situation where he has to take a decision which might go to the extreme either in his side or the other way. From the angle of an independent observer, especially during a post mortem, it is easy to criticize and comment but the feel of the situation is never there, not even in the sub-conscious mind.
But then one will say that’s life, you have to go through the uncertainties to reach your goal successfully- life has no charm without such challenges. Think of driving through a road with potholes and feeling happy at the end of it. It is a feeling which can be challenging for a day, but when you have to drive day in and day out there is no charm in it---irritation sets in quickly and someday you might end up in an accident which may become a point of recurring or permanent grief for you, your loved ones or someone else.
But then one will say that’s life, you have to go through the uncertainties to reach your goal successfully- life has no charm without such challenges. Think of driving through a road with potholes and feeling happy at the end of it. It is a feeling which can be challenging for a day, but when you have to drive day in and day out there is no charm in it---irritation sets in quickly and someday you might end up in an accident which may become a point of recurring or permanent grief for you, your loved ones or someone else.
Modern life has already become too complex & the ever increasing uncertainties associated with it are straining more than we can actually realize. Life is not a sport where we win the match in the last ball or the injury time. Hopefully we will be able to reduce the uncertainties to find a simple & peaceful life. Life offers different colours some of them glorious, some beautiful & some depressing or sorrowful but uncertainties are never glorious.
Interesting thought, Nilay...Your question is: How much of uncertainty is welcome in a particular 'road' that you tread repeatedly? Probably not much....However what if you are not sure WHICH road you will be given (i.e. inext morning you may get a whole new road to travel)? In other words, the uncertainty is bigger? Maybe it is still unwelcome to most of us (even the 'willing to be different' ones)if we are asked to travel by a new road everyday. We will still not think it to be glorious..
ReplyDeleteBut somehow I feel at least it will be less boring than the monotonous uncertainty (antithesis) of the same potholed road, where the challenge is limited to only remembering the potholes and there is nothing NEW to be known. At least this 2nd type of uncertainty gives you something new.
Not for nothing did Confucius advice people to change careers once in 15 years. I have completed 15 years, and I think I agree!!